THE LOEL 抗菌維他命C水龍頭濾芯6入裝
(適用THE LOEL 水龍頭過濾器系列)
1. 韓國首創一體式維他命C複合濾芯
2. 已獲100%除氯認證
3. 濾除5µmc以上鏽水及雜質
4. 易安裝,易更換濾沁
5. 維C滋潤肌膚和頭髮, 減少敏感
6. 純維他命C, 不含香料添加物
7. 微細出水板提供細緻強力的水壓
8.特殊抗菌球, 抗菌除臭,99.9%除菌認證
產品名稱:THE LOEL 抗菌維他命C水龍頭濾芯6入裝
型號 : TLV-AF6
產品組成:濾芯 x 6
產品尺寸: 濾芯 - 直徑42 mmX 高 22mm
重量 : 濾芯 : 約18g
顏色 : 白
材質 : 濾芯 - PP,維他命C
產地 : 韓國
建議保存期 : 5年
生產日期 : 見包裝
**注意 : 購買前, 請先確認轉接頭尺寸是否合適
**溫馨提示 :
- 啡黃色染色物是維他命C。白色濾芯上如出現維他命C屬正常情況。
- 最好的保存新濾芯方法是在有包裝狀態下, 存放-5℃的冰箱中及避免接觸其他食物介質。
- 請定期更換濾芯。 (一般建議濾芯使用1~2個月後更換, 根據地區水質差異有所不同。若明顯看出濾芯太髒或出水量突然變小時, 請更換濾芯。)
※備注: 所有圖片及資料只供作參考,產品圖片及描述與實物或有區別,產品外觀及細節均以實物及代理商提供為準。資料如有更改,恕不另行通知
1. Korea's first integrated vitamin C composite filter
2. Has obtained 100% chlorine removal certification
3. Filter out rust water and impurities above 5µmc
4. Easy to install and replace filter
5. Vitamin C moisturizes skin and hair, reduces sensitivity
6. Pure Vitamin C, without fragrance additives
7. The micro outlet plate provides delicate and strong water pressure
8. Deodorizing & 99.9% antibacterial
**Remarks: Before order, please confirm the adapter size is suitable
Brand: The Loel
Model: TLV-AF6
Weight: about 18 grams
Product size: H22 x outer diameter 42 (mm)
Color: white
Material: PP, Vitamin C
Place of origin: South Korea
Recommended to use water temperatures below 50 degrees Celsius
- The brown-yellow stain is vitamin C. It is normal for vitamin C to appear on white filters.
- The best way to save the new filter is to store it in a freezer at -5 °C and avoid contact with other food media.
- Please replace the filter element regularly. (It is generally recommended to replace the filter element after 1~2 months, depending on the water quality of the area. If it is obvious that the filter element is too dirty or the water output of the shower head suddenly becomes small, please replace the filter element.)
Remarks: All pictures and materials are for reference only. The product pictures and descriptions are different from the actual ones. The appearance and details of the products are subject to the actual products and agents. Information is subject to change without notice