THE LOEL 韓國摩洛哥護髮油100ml (附按壓式頭) 1入組 Argan Hair Oil 100ml and push-on head
- 對孕婦 友善產品系列
- 100% 有機植物原料認證
- 撫平毛躁、修復受損、恢復彈性、立顯柔順
- 選取5種天然植物提取精華,富含豐富滋潤養分
- 摩洛哥堅果提供秀髮每日所需脂肪酸及形成保護膜
- 山茶油和和葡萄籽油起到良好抗氧化功效、舒緩髮絲
- 荷荷巴籽油和葵花籽油保證每日所需豐富維生素、礦物質及水分
- 無合成色素、無有害矽膠、無礦物油、無矽油、無酒精
- 不含動物成分、無焦油著色、無防腐劑、非剌激性
- 獲得ISO9001,ISO14001,ISO22716等多項國際專業認證
此產品包括: 摩洛哥護髮油 1pcs.、按壓式頭 1pcs.
品名:THE LOEL 韓國摩洛哥護髮油100ml (附按壓式頭)
容量: 100ml
產地: 韓國
生產日期(日.月.年) 見瓶身標示.
1. 洗髮後以毛巾擦乾, 再取少量護髮油塗抹在受損部位周圍, 晾乾或做造型. 當頭髮有一些水分時, 均可使用.
2. 染髮燙髮後, 塗抹少量並晾乾或做造型.
1. 如不慎接觸眼睛, 請立即用水沖洗
2. 使用後務必蓋好蓋子
3. 放在嬰兒和兒童接觸不到的地方
4. 不要存放在高溫或低溫或陽光直射的地方
- Product series friendly to pregnant women
- 100% certified organic plant-based ingredients
- Smooth frizz, repair damage, restore elasticity, and appear smooth.
- Select 5 kinds of natural plant extracts, rich in nourishing nutrients
- Argan provides daily essential fatty acids for hair and forms a protective film
- Camellia oil and grape seed oil have good antioxidant effects and soothe hair
- Jojoba seed oil and sunflower seed oil ensure daily vitamins, minerals and moisture
-No synthetic colors, no harmful silicone, no mineral oil, no silicone oil, no alcohol
-No animal ingredients, no tar coloring, no preservatives, non-irritating
- Obtained multiple international professional certifications such as ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO22716, etc.
This product includes 1pcs. hair oil and 1pcs. push-on head
Name : Argan Hair Oil
Brand : THE LOEL
Volume : 100ml
Origin : South Korea
Production date (DD.MM.YY) : See Packing.
Usage : Use within 3 years from the production date.
Distributor : THE LOEL CO. LTD.
[How To Use]
1. After shampooing and towel drying, apply a small amount around the damaged area, dry or do styling. Can use it when hair has some moisture left.
2. After all chemical treatments, apply a small amount at the hair end, dry or do styling.
1. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water.
2. Be sure to close the cap after use.
3. Keep out of reach of infants and children.
4 Do not store in places with high or low temperatures or in direct sunlight.